Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's All In Your Head.

Today, I found the greatest thing that I've ever seen in my life.

This is a helmet-cam, used for first-person sequences in "Our Story." These sequences serve a particular spoileriffic purpose in the film that I will not reveal, and I've been trying to figure out a way to do them for months. The Steadycam is not practical for this purpose because, since it requires hands to hold it, the shot looks more like a still camera and less like someone's view from their eyes. It is being used for other shots, but it simply does not accomplish the job of first-person shots.

You cannot possibly imagine how relieved I am to have found this video. I've thought of all kinds of designs for this thing, with velcro straps, counterweights, and all kinds of crap...and now, it is remedied. I will be constructing this by the end of the week. Since I'm hopefully setting aside Saturday to construct the camera dolly, this will also fit nicely into my schedule. I plan on using styrofoam for the final product, but for testing purposes I'll probably use a towel or newspaper like in the video. Weight may be added as well for extra stability.

Sweet, sweet victory.

Veni, vidi, something,

There are no updates for the Pre-Productive Organs today.

EDIT: To make this an even better day, I found a tripod in my basement that my mom has had since the 80s. Even cooler? It is still like new and has the smoothest pan of any tripod I've ever used, even with the No Budget crew.

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