Well damn.
Whenever we were working on Stalin and Hitler, it was always exciting to watch the fan count go up. It expanded from just our friends, to their friends, to friends of their friends, to a ton of people from other countries who we didn't even know (are we the only entertainment in Portugal?)
But even they didn't come in this fast. Yes, many of these are people mass invited from my friends list. Some of them I do not know; some of them were presumably not even invited, and I wonder how they found the film's page in the first place. Some of them went to high school with me (apparently), some of them are complete strangers. Even on a scale this small, that's absolutely crazy.
I know it won't always balloon at this insane rate of 52 people per day, but it's still awesome to see that, even if they just accepted the invite for no real reason or because they thought it was just so cute that Jonathan was making a movie, that they know what this is. As the updates pour in on their feed, as more is posted, and as the project begins to materialize, they'll see more.
And this is just the beginning; school isn't even in session yet. Word spread about Stalin and Hitler like wildfire at ASU thanks to our trailer being shown before the $1 movies on campus, to the point where random people recognized us while we were filming. "Our Story," thanks to our connections, is probably going to get the same treatment. I'm hoping Apps (our student programming body) will, with much suggesting and
I suppose the entire point of this post is to thank everyone reading this, keeping track of updates, or even blindly supporting No Budget in its latest endeavor, even if you have no idea what the hell "Our Story" is.
And sorry, the only thing you guys will get in return is more begging. And maybe a cool movie later...?
Seacrest out,
P.S. If your fan relationship is not yet Facebook official, you should totally make it so at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/pages/Our-Story/71786468641?ref=nf