Today was an even better day than Saturday for filming. I can't reveal much without spoiling the plot for you, but let's just say that, in the words of the protagonist: "Man...there's not a dry eye in the house right now."
I'm keeping this entry reasonably short. I'm going to try avoid rambling over my incredible actors, talented crew, or the script that I'm so proud I can say that I wrote. I'm going to avoid long-winded technical discussions. I'm going to avoid talking about how I might have almost teared up behind the camera while our actors teared up for real, or how Lily and Nathan are so insufferably cute that seeing them get angry at each other on screen breaks my heart.
Instead I'm going to sum it all up with a single line: we're making something truly beautiful.
I will, however, offer a few amusing anecdotes about production.
Something that separated today from Saturday was how streamlined everything was. There were almost no technical challenges, and those that were there were overcome with ease. We shot FOUR scenes with the helmet cam today, and even got one of them in a single shot! It's obvious Lily and Nathan were much more aware of the special considerations you have to make when shooting with the device, and our tech assistants (namely Greyson and Timothy) are also learning better how to "spot" the device. "Spotting" the cam is a great trick we discovered today where one person hovers behind Nathan while he's wearing the device, holding and helping Lily guide the camera.
We also got to use the Steadycam a lot today, which I was really excited about. Poor Nathan ran so much I thought he was going to die. Nearly every member of the crew got to make a cameo today too!
There aren't really any words that can express how happy I am right now. This film is coming together perfectly. In fact, if a particular tear-jerking scene today is any indication, I think it may actually be going beyond anything I had planned for.
What does the future hold for "Our Story?" I don't know, but no matter what, I think it proves something: we friggin' love making movies. And we might be pretty good at it.
New greatest day of my life,
Principal Photography: ~80%
Video Editing: ~10%
Audio Mastering: 0%
P.S.: Here, have some pictures!